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Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Thousands of foster carers needed to prevent a care 'crisis'

There will be no care crisis if they look to grandparents more closely. Like the 'Charter for Grandchildren' suggests. (Grandparents Apart UK.)

Sue Laurie of Fostering network said on STV news today 20th December 2011 that the closer children are kept to their own home environment the better it was for them. That tells me they are all talking grandparents but just won't say the words.

By Janaki MahadevanTuesday, 20 December 2011


At least 8,750 new foster families need to be found across the UK in the next 12 months to avoid a crisis in the care system, the Fostering Network has claimed.

The number of children living with foster carers rose to 59,000 in 2011. Image: Morguefile

According to the charity, the number of children in need of a foster home has risen for five years in a row and around 14 per cent of the foster care work force retire or leave each year.

The average age of foster carer was 46 in 2000 rising to 53 in 2009 and the number of children living with foster carers rose from 49,700 in 2005 to 59,000 in 2011.

The Fostering Network says an extra 7,100 foster carers are needed in England, 1,000 in Scotland, 550 in Wales and 100 in Northern Ireland.

1 comment:

  1. Your right if Grand parents are physically will enough to raise grand children and want to do it they should get custody . My mom after her parents died lived with her grand parents tell they died .
